Please come and show your support for efforts to OPPOSE SB 50
Sacramento's at it again.

We all understand that California is in the midst of a housing crisis. We need to build more housing that is affordable to lower-wage workers and SF residents who are aging in place. But, this is not the way to do it.
In the name of affordable housing, Scott Weiner's Senate Bill 50 would override local land use controls here and throughout California, and deny neighbors even a say in their own neighborhood's future.
SB 50 would usurp San Francisco's ability to adopt zoning and land use policies, undercut protection of vulnerable communities from displacement and gentrification, and undermine community participation and planning.
SB 50 would up-zone 96% of San Francisco, including Telegraph Hill and North Beach. New multi-story buildings up to 55-ft high allowed nearly everywhere. Up to 75-ft when combined with other state laws. Without a hearing, no matter what City zoning says. Without you having a say. All while conferring large and unshared profits on private developers.
Let Your Voice Be Heard!
San Francisco Supervisors are considering a resolution to OPPOSE SB 50. A committee hearing will be held on April 4th at 10:00 am in Room 250 at City Hall.
Please come and show your support for efforts to OPPOSE SB 50.
If you can't come, please send an email to Supervisors:
Example: "Dear Supervisors, Please approve the proposed resolution before you opposing California SB 50 unless it is further amended. Thank you."