
For more than six decades, THD celebrates, beautifies, and works hard to preserve Telegraph Hill, North Beach and the Northeast Waterfront. No matter where you live, whether you rent or own your home, we welcome you to join us. Questions? Please contact
Join or Renew Membership

To activate or renew your membership, click the appropriate "Join" button, which will take you to the THD PayPal page. No need to log into PayPal, just click on "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" at the bottom of the page.

THD's Committees are comprised of Board Members and Members, like you. To join a committee or volunteer, please complete this quick questionnaire and the respective Committee Head will reach out to you.
Do you love Telegraph Hill, North Beach, and the Northeast Waterfront as we do? Support our work and help us as stewards of a unique and precious place. Your donation will support the arts, culture, public parks, and so much more in a neighborhood that folks from around the world come to visit and enjoy.