Washington Square Park Closure Community Meeting
Get your questions answered and hear updates about the drainage/irrigation project. Monday, May 20th 6:00-7:00pm at Joe DiMaggio...

SB50 Town Hall
If you have concerns about Senate Bill 50, which would take away local zoning and allow construction of buildings up to 75 feet tall when...

URGENT!! Sacramento's at it again.

Sicily: A Heart's Journey
April 4, 2019 San Francisco Italian Athletic Club (SFIAC) A new book by author Mary Tolaro Noyes shares the dream of finding her...

Celebrate Lawrence Ferlinghetti's 100th birthday.
Events Sunday March 17 thru Sunday March 24 – see Citylights.com Main Event March 24, 2019 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm City Lights, 261 Columbus...

North Beach Podcasts
Be sure to check out our friend Blair Helsing's North Beach Now podcast. North Beach Farmers Market THD Treasurer Nick Ferris has advance...

Come relax with your fellow THD members!
We hope you can join us! Tuesday, February 19 at 6 p.m. Belle Cora 565 Green Street No-host bar (wine and beer) Live jazz music begins...

How San Francisco flushes away scores of millions of dollars on a stinker of a toilet contract
Article by Joe Eskenazi on Mission Local https://missionlocal.org/2019/02/how-san-francisco-flushed-away-scores-of-millions-of-dollars-on...

Poets Night at the Beat Museum
Six published poets and a larger group of Telegraph Hill Dwellers gathered on a rainy Tuesday evening on January 15th for an evening of...

Coit Tower Murals Tour With Jon Golinger
In conjunction with the 80th anniversary of the opening of the Maritime Museum/Aquatic Park bathhouse building in 1939, Jon Golinger of...