Kathleen Dooley

We fondly remember Kathleen Dooley, who passed away on Monday, March 14, 2022.
Kathleen was a longtime contributor to the work of The St. Vincent de Paul Society. She lobbied fiercely and successfully to retain the wholesale flower mart in San Francisco. Owning and operating Columbine Design store, Kathleen was Small Business Commissioner, instrumental in developing a "Legacy Business Program" which allows family-owned businesses a relief from ever increasing rents.
She was former President of the North Beach Business Association and fought the extraction of the Central Subway machinery from Washington Square and the adjacent intersection, which would have devastated the park. Kathleen was a former engaged and inspirational THD Board member. She worked to bring Cole Hardware to North Beach and was active in fighting the empty storefront problem.
She found Connor, the blue-headed star of The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill, after he’d been killed by a hawk, and she gave him "a proper burial".
Her passing was a great loss. Taking a moment to look around at what she accomplished, we are sincerely and deeply grateful for everything she did for us and our community.