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Telegraph Hill Dwellers

Annual Membership Meeting

All members are invited and encouraged to attend & vote on the proposed slate of THD Officers & Board of Directors

Tuesday, May 7th at 6:00 p.m.


Fior d'Italia

2237 Mason Street (between Chestnut & Francisco)

$45 Includes a Three Course Dinner

No-host bar

All members are welcome to attend and may do so excluding dinner.
If you are not having dinner, you don't need to RSVP.

Proposed THD Slate for 2024-2025


President: Nick Ferris

Vice President: Greg Giachino

Recording Secretary: Mary Lipian

Corresponding Secretary: Katie Hopkins

Treasurer: Peter Stevens

Financial Secretary: Andy Katz

Historian: Nancy Shanahan

Past President: Stan Hayes

Semaphore Editor: Cap Caplan

Directors: 2023-2025

Greta Alexander

Kristen Foley

Kim Pendleton*

Fran Schrieberg

Directors: 2022-2024

Theresa Flandrich

Nanci Gaglio

Ian Kloville*

Michael Rothmann

* New Board Members

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