Telegraph Hill Dwellers 65-Year Anniversary
The Telegraph Hill Dwellers (THD) is celebrating its 65th anniversary this year. Here is a partial list of what THD has accomplished since 1954
1954 - Playing a key role getting City approval for the North Beach Fair, the first street fair in the country
1956, 1964 - Preventing the construction of high rise buildings on Telegraph Hill
1959, 1974 - Promoting the enactment of the neighborhood’s 40-foot height limit
1974 - Opposing the extension of the Embarcadero freeway through North Beach as part of a proposed over-water bridge between San Francisco and Tiburon
1976 - Developing the “A” Parking sticker program, later adopted citywide
1983 - Supporting the creation of the Northeast Waterfront Historic District to preserve the warehouse district dating from the Gold Rush
1986 - Creating the Telegraph Hill Historic District to preserve the largest concentration of pre-Earthquake residential dwellings in San Francisco.
1986, 2007 - Raising funds to protect and permanently preserve the Grace Marchant Garden from development
1986 - Working to establish and update the North Beach Neighborhood Commercial District to preserve North Beach’s unique character and small businesses
Promoting the restoration and increased protection for Coit Tower, its historic murals and Pioneer Park
1995-1999 - In conjunction with Friends of the Urban Forest, planting 355 new street trees in North Beach and Telegraph Hill
2000, 2001, 2002 - Initiating and supporting landmark designations for Washington Square Park (2000), City Lights Bookstore and the Colombo Building.
2005 - Supporting legislation to ban formula retail (chain) stores in North Beach
2013 - Preventing of the construction, through voter referendum, of a high-rise condo building on the waterfront at 8 Washington, across from the Ferry Building next to Sue Bierman Park
2014 - Working to pass Proposition B, a ballot initiative requiring voter approval of any waterfront development that exceeds the existing height limits
For 65 years, THD has published The Semaphore, a quarterly publication telling the stories of Telegraph Hill, North Beach, and the Northeast Waterfront.
Ongoing Activities of the Telegraph Hill Dwellers
Promoting the designation of a North Beach Historic District to protect historic buildings
Working with the business community to attract more small-scale neighborhood-serving businesses
Working with neighbors, MUNI and others to improve public transportation
Ensuring that new development and building additions are in keeping with neighborhood scale and character
Preserving affordable housing stock by opposing demolitions, conversions and evictions
Recording and preserving neighborhood memories through THD’s Oral History Project
Monitoring and advising the Port Commission on new development on the northeastern waterfront
Working with the Recreation and Parks Department and Public Works to preserve and replace our urban forest – promoting a neighborhood tree planning program
Organizing “Town Hall” meetings, lectures and presentations on history, politics, planning, etc.